Scariest picture of the day: OMG! Koew's a centerfold!

You know those kind of life altering bad decisions you make? The choices you spend the rest of your life trying to undo, knowing that you really won’t make it? Like having sex unprotected and ending up a father, or infected with AIDS, or both? Or saying ‘yes’ at a wedding? Or when the smug the answer on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? Or that time Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin? Or when Princess Diana told her driver to ‘step on it’?

My brother just made one of those. Here it is, with parental advisory:

Koew posing for Balder magazine
Koew posing for Balder magazine

For the big version and more, check out Balder issue 3 2007, page 11 (pdf)

The picture’s from the centerfold of this months issue of the official magazine of Norway’s conscientious objectors. This week that issue is going all around Norway to thousands of readers, and today it is also on the internets. Forever. And now I have a copy too online!
What the hell was he thinking? And worse yet, what the hell was he thinking telling me about it? And what the hell was he thinking not realizing the very true and now very threatening gay percentage of the conscientious objectors? And listing himself as ‘single’ next to that kind of pictures? All we can say to them is the profound words of Admiral Ackbar: ITSATRAP!

I’m actually, for the first time since being a baby, rolling on the floor laughing.

2 thoughts on “Scariest picture of the day: OMG! Koew's a centerfold!

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    So far only has replied.

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