Today is that day of unknown origin called Halloween. It is not an ancient tradition, it has nothing to do with Christianity and it’s definitely not wicca-wicca-wicked related. I don’t care much for it, as you can probably imagine, but I care even less how it has absolved into Norwegian teen society only to confirm the old German folk song by Rammstein:
We’re all living in America, America is wunderbar.
We’re all living in America, Amerika, Amerika.
We’re all living in America, Coca-Cola, Wonderbra,
We’re all living in America, Amerika, Amerika.
And here I am, writing in English.. Skjønt, det er en grunn til at jeg gjør akkurat det. For lenge, lenge siden i en galakse i nordnorge bestemte jeg meg for å skrive blogg på engelsk. Det var fordi det simpelthen finnes flere engelsktalende mennesker i verden, og jeg ville nå et så bredt mulig publikum som mulig. And there you go!
So instead of just rambling about things I don’t like, I thought that I’d go completely berserk and give you 50 pictures of Jesus!!!
That’s right! This is the only blog in the universe that features exactly 50 pictures of Jesus! I’m also a good role model for young children. Putting the anity back into Christianity.. on loan from insanity.. But I can’t write anymore right now. I’m like a cat in a warehouse, wondering wtf I’m doing here.
EDIT 12th of April 2009:
Jesus Pictures moved to!