Truckin' zine December 2007, Vol. 6, Issue 12

And so we’re back with this years LASTEST MOST EXCLUSIVEST Truckin’ feature of year 2007. And what do you know? I’m featured this month too, and this time; a whole-hearted stream of consciousness for your shaky x-mas nerves. If you ask me I’m quite impressed. And if I ask you, well, you will have to go and read it first! .. and the other writers too of course. Here’s what has to say in his defence:

This year end issue has a couple of holiday themed stories including a spicy tale from Betty After Dark. Johnny Hughes returns along with everyone’s favorite Norwegian writer Sigge S. Amdal. This issue also features the debut of two new authors Gary Cox and Dwayne Williamson. And I have a little Santa story as well.

Truckin' Zine

Santa nodded off on the subway. He did that often, always after he copped. Friends would often tell him that they saw him passed out on the subway. They’d try to get his attention, but he was in his own world…

Christmas Eve Dinner by
Her legs still weak and her stance a bit wobbly, I wrapped my arm around her and led her out of the restaurant. The hotel was just a few blocks away. She was shivering. Was it the cold air or the orgasm?…

Kelso McQuire by
The gamblers always stand in the back at West Texas funerals. In the middle of Kelso McQuire’s funeral, Ice House Henry was whispering around and telling this fifty-year old story about Kelso, that not one living, breathing soul had ever heard before…

Scared Santa by
This amorphous blob of blood red fabric and snow white hair would release these grunts from its maw that shook my rib cage, causing me to tremble even more violently than before. Because Santa Clause scared the holy hell out of me…

The Hunt by
When the son was young, the Father went deer hunting every year for a week at a time, right before Thanksgiving. The boy badly wanted to go with him, but was never considered old enough. He saw in his Father’s eyes how much he enjoyed that time, whether it was the actual hunt or the solitary time spent out there in the woods…

Monday Evening LIVE in Theater! by Sigg3
A middle-aged, disillusioned, smack-ridden woman in a wheelchair bemoans her disability when the subway seems one step too far. By the touch of a button she whirls off into the distant tunnel like the depart of an ancient ghoul…

That’s it for this week, it’s time for me to grab a pizza and a six-pack to celebrate my exams. As the Good Lord told his creation: «See you on Monday!»

3 thoughts on “Truckin' zine December 2007, Vol. 6, Issue 12

  1. Hey mate! Long time no talk. :D I thought I would drop bye and say hello as the Christmas season is a’coming. :D There’s some good writing you got there by the way… As always that is. I’ve been writing too. Just nothing good. Tried to throw together a character sketch last night… Don’t know how I feel about it. If you want let me know what you think:… The latest one is “wilfred”. :D

    Have a merry christmas!

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