The Kaada news delivery boy just announced that Kaada & Cloroform will not be reprinting old albums, singles and re-mixes any longer! This means that some albums (like MECD and Do the Crawl) are already out of stock! The exclamation mark factor can’t be exaggerated enough!!!111!!!!!11!!!!!
Right.. Calm down.. Breathe.. Head over to Kaada’s capitalist webshop with your VISA in hand and clean out what you can. Last four albums I bought:
- Scrawl
- All-scars
- thank you for giving me your valuable time
- mecd
I’m really gonna have to abuse that news delivery boy..
And then I’m gonna have to pay a visit to the nearest department store. f-socks!
Did I just hear a collectors brain go “BING!”? And I was rocking at the office thanks to the Scrawl-album today.
That sucks. I didn’t quite understand what happened, but I guess it has something to do with the music… and lack of it. It’s really bad when you can’t have an album or whatever you want because of… what?
They’re not printing the (really) old albums any longer, that’s all. So now I hate myself for waiting so long :(
Scrawl came in a handmade, knitted cover. Awww..
It was made from hands.