Rats on display and quote of the day!

Sunday the 26th of October and the 2nd of November from 12.30 to 15.00 my uncle´s drawings (of rat-people) will be part of an exhibition in Rosegården, Norway.

His drawings are cartoon-like, very personalized and extremely entertaining. He´s published one book, called "Rudolfs lykkelige dag" (en. Rudolf´s happy day, which is very cute. Check out a sample on the following link. A picture he drew of and for me as a birthdaypresent once. Check out his rat-drawing of me:)

Quote of the day I got from a Tom Waits liveconcert and it goes something like this: I remember that it rained all day the day Elvis Presley died. Only a legend can make it do that. I remember that my girl told me we were through and she was going to walk out on me, but Elvis Presley talked her out of it.

Peace out!

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