It’s been quiet round here lately, due to a number of things. Look, it’s a list!
- Nick Cave concert
- Exams (did one and forfeited the other)
- Translated Zenwalk manual (still not released)
- Went to a cabin in the mountains
- Back to work after 2+ weeks of hiatus. Total chaos ensued
- My kernel conf project was scrapped when Zenwalk 5.2 was released. Yay!
- Went to a wedding
- Went to the theatre
- Seen Battlestar Galactica (refurbished version) seasons 1 and 30% of 2
- Also, we’ve had 30°+ Celsius for the last three weeks
And I intend to keep busy. At the moment I’m working on a lot of stuff, some of it even interesting, while continuing to perfect my Zenwalk system. Sunday I’m going away for a three day seminar in Sweden, then I have an appointment at the dentist, and 1st of July I expect to take out some holiday time. Take out seems to be the appropriate words, given that I still have a novel to finish, and several others on hold.
Then getting to work today I was bothered with a baby. Yes, the babies are back, and snuggling plus worthless commentary is mandatory. I held up the baby like a weird, exotic pot plant. Tilting it just a little. Then I said: "Babies.. do they bounce?"
People have no sense of humor.
Actually they do bounce. Then they cry. It’s the crying you will wish to avoid.
I hadn’t heard of Zenwalk. Looked it up and I see that it is a slack derivative formerly known as minislack. Nice.
Slackware was my first distro. Started as a pile of floppies in 1995. I used it on my servers until 2003, when I made the switch to gentoo. I never had a slackware box hacked… haven’t been so lucky with gentoo.
Nice choice though, especially for squeezing more out of older hardware.
ZW is teh rocks, and yes, it’s a definite distro for brilliant slackers such as I.
More about my system to come:)
Season Three of BSG is making way into the movie collection, btw, at home. Enjoy the nice DVD-quality, as I viewed it on crappy 350MB/episode quality. I wish the fourth season would hurry up the releases.