If you have a story, or a lifestory, to share with dar webz, please submit it to Truckin’!
Pauly is actively seeking non-poker stories for the Truckin’ 2009 issues, and if you have a draft, a note or even a recipe lying around, don’t hesitate to send it in. Doesn’t have to be funny, doesn’t have to be genius, but either is preferred. NaNo excerpts are always welcomed. Stuff that you have blogged and are really content with is welcome. Deadlines are on the 25th of the month. Each month. Every year. Forever. UNLESS Pauly runs dry and Truckin’ closes down. Which would make the pandas sad… and extinct. Think about the pandas.
If you’re still hesistant to write or share your texts with the world, please do your bit to inform the public of our existence. Put the url in your blogroll, print it out and put it in an eggroll; I have the URL in my professional e-mail signature..! In any case, consider the pandas.
The URL is http://mcgtruckin.blogspot.com
You’ll find all my previous accepted stories at the bottom of my archives page. As you may well know, I’ve been pretty busy sorting out my professional and private life lately, and believe it or not but it was planned all along! I’ve still got stuff to do before the end of the year, but I reckon I’ll be back writing anytime soon. I just need to get myself a movable bamboo light wall and a palm tree. More later. Go write/submit!
I’d like to submit some, but then again I suffer from the lack-of-genius-writing. We’ll see if I get around to it though, it would’ve been great with some feedback.
Feedback is sparse, I’m afraid.
Well, I’d like to think about the pandas. Especially when the killer whales are such awesome bastards.