I got mugged! ….Twice!

Heh. I was spending all yesturday evening in the city with a very good friend, and we had a blast at the best place in Habana: The Jazzcafe close to Malecon. It wasn´t that fun, however, when we were almost picked up by the police (which in Cuba can be very rude:) because of a fuck-up with our bill. Good live-music, though!

After we´d been walking around town for a while, we found it best to part – she to her appartement and me to La Villa. I stopped by Habana Libre, a great hotel in the middle of the city, to take a piss. I didn´t have any money, except 3 dollars worth of pesos and 5 dollars which were intended for the cab home, so I decided to give the WC-cleaner guy a couple of cigarettes. Dang! They weren´t there. Oh, well. Pickpockets are o.k. as long as they only steal cigarettes…

Then, having waiting for a cab to come for almost an hour – they are pretty delayed by the re-routing and all the people because of the great Carneval, which happened to end while we strolled along the Malecon – these two guys told me of a friend of theirs who had a Nissan and who´d gladly take me home for a couple of dollars. Drunk and pretty stupid I agreed and followed them around the corner. That´s when I felt a strong arm around my neck, and this younger guy probably in his late teens, went through my pockets. "Where is the dollars? Where is the creditcard?" he asked me, because it wasn´t in my wallet. I tried to smile, while being choked, because I was pretty broke and they´d picked the last person on earth to fuck with. Now, these guys seemed harmless, and I still think they were. They only wanted my money – which I didn´t have – and they let me go after I´d promised not to shout for the police or anything. I was pretty amused, however, to find out that they hadn´t found my 5 dollar note, and that I actually could get home again:)

Luckily to me, these robbers were young and pretty untalented. All they got from me was cuban pesos worth about 3 dollars. They didn´t even get my pouch of tobacco, since I grabbed it back before I ran away:) Heh.
The thing is, however, that if these guys had intended to hurt me – hurt me real bad – they could´ve. Without a problem. In the middle of the city. Scares the shit out of me when I think about it now. Oh, well. Another experience that money can´t buy – even here:)

9 thoughts on “I got mugged! ….Twice!

  1. Stakkars fyr! Du vet at du ikke må følge med fremmede! I Bosnia blir du drept for slikt. Du var ekstremt heldig at det ikke var noen mer voldelige folk som har par liv på samvitigheten!

  2. Det er lov aa ha flaks. Det slo meg foerst etterpaa at jeg kunne blitt drept liksom. Det var 10 stykker som ble drept i loepet av karnevalets 3 foerste dager. Full fest:)

  3. jævla idiot… drunk and pretty stupid, indeed. hvordan kan det ha seg at du alltid er vurderende og bevisst når edru, og forbanna naiv og en tåsk i fylla??? Du vil sikkert si det er vanlig og naturlig, og alle vil være enig. Men den forklaringen strekker bare ikke til. Dette er ikke første gang, min venn. Jeg tror du gjør det BARE for the hell of it. Bare på fuck.
    men fortell nå mer om denne din venninde!!!! hohoho.. god jul..

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