Friday afternoon after I arrived home I sat down, got good and drunk and finally updated some family-friendly pictures from our trips to Rome (April 2008) and Paris (April 2009). Me and Lady C are birthday neighbours, but instead of pricey gifts we much rather indulge ourselves some great traveling experiences, a gift that keeps on giving. It’s nice to see the world, and it’s nice to arrive safely at home again too. When I travel I usually shoot day time photographs with my trusty semi-SLR FujiFilm Finepix S9500, while at night my Nokia N95 provides visual documentation. Lady C was really annoyed at first, having to wait at every street corner, because I found some interesting pigeon droppings on the sidewalk. But she’s come around, when in the aftermath, she can follow our trip day to day from one hour to the other:)
The Temple of Saturn, Ancient Rome
«We are against the war and the tourist menu!» (Trastevere)
Art Noveau kicks ass! I want more of it, everywhere!
None of the pictures have been re-touched. Friends and family can also see hilarious pix of yours truly.