Michael Jackson’s last recorded album This is it and the DVD made from the preparations of his last big tour are the only reasons why big capitalist bastards still care about him. It’s so sad when people who’ve met such abuse by an industry and the press dies tragically, only to lure all the bottom-dwelling parasites out of the woodwork. Vultures! Anyway, to promote the upcoming album they have released a preview of the This is it single. You can listen to it here!
This Is It! Yep, that’s it.
Though it’s a ballad I actually think it’s great. I am not such a big fan of Jackson’s latest tunes when compared to his earlier career and also the History era, but this song could easily be among the classics. Sadly it’s not as centered around a computer theme as some of us had hoped. Come on, this is IT…
Was THAT IT?! (Heeh heeh heeh, see what I did there?)