Two more Radiohead songs

I got an e-mail this morning from the radiohead mailinglist. It was about ‘s independent album Familial. You can download a free mp3 of the first track on his website. I am not convinced yet, but I know he’s a great drummer. Good luck!

I was reading up on Radiohead history and news when I noticed a couple of 2009 releases that I had missed entirely, namely Harry Patch (In memory of) and These are my twisted words. The first one is a tribute to "the Last Fighting Tommy", namely the last British soldier surviving WWI. He had strong anti-war views from his dreadful experiences, and a BBC Radio 4 interview inspired Tom Yorke to write a song based on the interview.

Harry Patchi am the only one that got through
the others died where ever they fell
it was an ambush
they came up from all sides
give your leaders each a gun and then let them fight it out themselves
i’ve seen devils coming up from the ground
i’ve seen hell upon this earth
the next will be chemical but they will never learn

The song is a download-only that costs £1 BGP, proceeds going to the British Legion.

The second track called These Are my Twisted Words is a single released as direct download and a torrent on mininova (original link dead) at no cost. You can download the mp3 from Radiohead’s dead air space website.

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