I had two exams today, examen philosophicum and examen facultatum, and since I knew that I already had passed – thanks to the midterm exams which count 40% of the final grade, I wrote just for fun.
I did 6 pages on Kant’s theory of recognition/acknowledgement, doing some critical analysis of him as a person combined with the fall of the element of time in his Weltanschaung. I guess I flunked in this one, since I had no idea (or close thereby) of what David Hume’s analysis on cause and effect was.
Then 10 pages on logic, especially logic in sentences and reasonings, also critizising a bit – Aristotle’s principle of contradiction just won’t let me go! I can’t acknowledge its supremacy, its "bow-before-me" attitude. I also weaved in some cool quotes here, among others this one: "I got what alcoholics refers to as a moment of clarity" from Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarentino. All in all I had some fun there, and tomorrow I’ve got my written exam in Spanish. I learned today that there is a 40%/60% (oral-written) division here too, so I’ve already passed in this subject too! Hmmm.. Sounds abit too easy..
By the way, you should check out my article on ANCEP over at Wikipedia.org. It’s mostly written by my, I know it is short, but note the little sentence on the Cuba-situation. I hate to think that I contributed to that. Oh, well. Life is just a party, I guess. Read it here!