We’re closing in on the international Terrorist Day and in that regard the US publisher ColoringBook.com has released its highly popular We Shall Never Forget 9/11 Kids Coloring Book Graphic Coloring Novel. Here’s a drawing from one of the last pages ready for colouring!
You can right-click the image and select Save As and voila! you have a free supply of colouring drawings that you can print out when you have some time to fiddle away. Or just do it on the computer. I can recommend the GIMP to color this free sample. Look what I made!
As you can see, I gave Osama a red Santa-like outfit to make his execution more viewer friendly. I can’t wait to see what happens on the next couple of pages, that girl there looks mighty grateful. Also note that I got the skin colour right. Remember always, there are no white terrorists! Share your children’s enthusiasm, so that they one day may be orderly little troops in the service of the United States of America, home of the Free®™ too!
I’m going to grab a beer now and sit in zazen in front of TV. Cheers!