Happy Towel Day!

Today is Towel Day! I actually did not wear a towel today, but that was not because I forgot about Douglas Adams’ day, no. It was because Norway’s been struck by an awful heat wave, and Elvis (the dog) completely shut down on our walks, so I can’t be carrying both a towel AND a sun struck dog in five thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Or whatever 30° Celsius is over there. Anyway, there is photographic evidence:

Chillin' out
Chillin’ Out in the heat wave
Elvis cooling off his genitals on the cold cold ground..

In addition to a crazy dog, I am reading German post-war history like crazy. Deutsche Geschichte in Schlaglichtern. I need to get ahead of the curve. From 4th to 7th of June I’ll have my Tysk 1504 German history exam at home, so by then I should already have an overview of the Cold War and be familiar with the literature.

In addition to crazy dog AND Deutsche Geschichte in Schlaglichtern, the heat wave has of course struck me ill too. I have a runny nose, sinusitis, and can only hear with my right ear. Since I’m working all weekend I must try to remain calm. DON’T PANIC. Alas, no time for hitchhiking my way across the galaxy… maybe next year!

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