Here I am. It’s 15:30 in the afternoon, which means that it’s exactly 30 minutes left before I exit that door behind my back. I’m sitting at my office at FAFO in Oslo, looking out the window at that big, old Church in front of our building. My head is still spinning from yesturday’s one-beer-too-much incident. Shit happens. It was fun, though, just not today.
I’d never thought that I’d be fit for a deskjob, lurching around the offices catching a glance of the co-workers trying to look buissy just as I. I was right. Not that this job sucks, it doesn’t, it’s just that one week of doing absolutely nothing while at work really gets to me. My head feels totally empty for words and ideas when I get out that door after another helpful yet unproductive day, even though I can’t say that I’ve used it much. This is seriously a good lesson for me, because I’ve always thought that having an office kind of job must be easy, but it isn’t. In addition, I keep recognizing scenes and situations from the Dilbert comics which is really annoying because it makes me walk around with this stupid smile (and my mug of coffe). Heh. Those who’ve endured long, long years in this voulentary imprisonment have my respect. Let’s hope things get better after the winterholidays. Maybe I’ll actually have to do something for my paycheck? I can only hope…
25 minutes left…