China has done it again. They’re fucking with internet users.
The chinese government has closed down more than 8600 internetcafés the last two month official media reports. The government are continuing closing down the cafés because, among other things, they want to strike down hard on websites that contains material which is hostile towards the Chinese government and to prevent access to pornographic material. They’re also planning to punish the cafés which are letting minors come in and surf.
Chinas cultural minister, Sun Jiazheng says that they’ve still got alot of problems with the management of internetcafés and internet service providers (ISPs) and guarantees that this campaign is far from over.
In December 2003 China had about 80 million Chinese internet users and most of them are users of internetcafés. (© NTB)
I am most troubled with this, since it only shows us the general (, official) outline of a censorship-process of the internet in China, and let’s not forget what happened not so long ago.
My poll on internet prisoners of China
not to mention the Sigg3 dot net’s reader’s voice on this matter