Poll #8: Who should be the next James Bond?

The James Bond series must be one of the most famous of action movie series, and everyone that I’ve ever spoken with have some sort of relationship to the books or the films. I haven’t read any of the books, I’m afraid, yet I’ve heard that the Bond portrayed on screen is far from as psychopathic as the Bond in the books. Either way, it is time to kick out Pierce Brosnan for the benefit of others.. or is it?

« Who should be the next James Bond? »

The list of male actors is provided by Jamesbond.no and is based on the current rumours in Hollywood and the rest of the Bond-loving world.

5 thoughts on “Poll #8: Who should be the next James Bond?

  1. Elvis laget ikke bare bra rock, men kunne ogsaa vert en super bond. so, om det viser seg at rockekongen er i live, (vet ikke helt hvor jeg staar anngaaende det) saa hadde han vert en super-Bond. Tenk, han hadde spist peanutsmoer mens han banka badies. gitarrock!!

  2. Elvis er uansett for gammel. Pierce nærmer seg femti (eller har akkurat krysset) derfor vurderer de å bytte ham ut, men Elvis ville vært 69 år gammel (f. 1935)!!

    Roger Moore var, iflg. jamesbond.no, mer en bestefar enn en Bond.

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