Links and link of the day

I’ve re-arranged my links page, parting up the heap of resources, books, weblogs and miscellaneous stuff into more specific categories. You don’t have so many links, so why bother? Well, I suspect there are more a-coming. I’m furnituring this website to be just that, a site and not just a page, meaning community and interactivity has to be prioritized. Links are probably the most important part of it.

Contruary to alot of webpages (esp. personal ones) ALL my links opens up in the main window (THIS WINDOW, e.g. target="_top"), because I want my readers to have control over the content and the way they choose to read it. If you want to stay on Sigg3 dot net while entering one of my links, which I highly appreciate, just hold SHIFT down while you click.

Link of the day: « Cheap Cigarettes Sale »
Over 20 premium tobacco products at the best prices on the Internet. The site also has a news section with Tobacco related news and best of all: a link to a page with Smoker’s Rights related organizations. (Note: They mostly don’t ship outside the US, allthough some manufacturers may.)

Why is this smoker-friendly page the link of the day? Do you smoke? Communist bastard?

Guilty as charged.
I smoke the Norwegian roll-your-own-cigarettes tobacco: Eventyr 3. It has a great aromatic taste while still keeping it strong. And, contruary to what people believe or trendsetters try to propose, smoking still kicks ass. Just look at this picture:

Smoking don't kick ass? Sure it does.

Nuff said.

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