In the last two issues of Pauly’s Truckin’ Zine I’ve been featured! Yahoo!
«Messiah on a Tuesday», August 2004 (Vol. 3, Issue 8)
«Existentialistic Sunday», July 2004 (Vol. 3, Issue 7)
You should, of course, also read the other truckin’ texts, as they are highly entertaining.
These are both less emphasised writings, meaning that I didn’t apply my certain philosophical views (or did I?) or re-wrote them till I felt that they were good enough. The latter was published as a text in Just another weblog while the other one was the first text published in Sigg3’s scratchbook, which should reveal the so-so quality, but they are funny reads if nothing else.
On the more serious part, I’m working on my 2nd novel, this one also in Norwegian, while waiting for reply from Norwegian publishers regarding the 1st one. More about this will come when I’m comfortable with sharing it with you:)