FOY 2004: Reaching for 550 votes

Winning the race?The 29th of December, and nearly five houndred and fifty votes have been cast, primarily among three top notch femmes namely: Salma Hayek (35%), Elisha Cuthbert (29%) and Anna Kournikova (26%). I hope we can at least reach 600 votes before january the 1st, but to overthrow the Hayek dominance, runner-ups will need plenty of votes. Last year’s poll got 502 votes.

Elisha Cuthbert: 29%
Jessica Alba: 1%
Audrey Hepburn: 0%
Jolene Blalock: 2%
Tara Reid: 0%
Salma Hayek: 35%
Anna Kournikova: 26%
Charlize Theroni: 0%
Andrea Diaz: 0%
Kristanna Loken: 0%
Keira Knightley: 1%
Kate Beckinsale: 0%
Number of votes: 545

Don’t forget to vote!
The polls close sometime during the 1st of January. When I wake up.

And on a side note, Halle Berry was elected the most beautiful actress of Hollywood by the Parade Magazine’s readers this week. Nearly 3100 votes places Halle on the top in front of Catherine Zeta-Jones (19%), Angelina Jolie (14%), Jennifer Lopez (7%) and Kate Hudson (6%). (Read all about it)

4 thoughts on “FOY 2004: Reaching for 550 votes

  1. « Who should be Female of the Year 2004?

    Elisha Cuthbert: 36%
    Jessica Alba: 1%
    Audrey Hepburn: 0%
    Jolene Blalock: 2%
    Tara Reid: 0%
    Salma Hayek: 31%
    Anna Kournikova: 22%
    Charlize Theroni: 0%
    Andrea Diaz: 0%
    Kristanna Loken: 0%
    Keira Knightley: 1%
    Kate Beckinsale: 1%
    Number of votes: 646

    Hehe, forget about US 2000/2004 election, forget about Ukraine 2004 election. This is hillarious. I say let the votes from last blogg update be the actual resoults.

  2. Hmmm, ok, fair enought. Let’s see. MSN list 18 online. AIM list 32 online. Damn, letts see if it helps postning somthing in Alliance forum in GA.

  3. Stupid morons! Some I’m lucky with:

    GenDivided: lol ill take a look
    GenDivided: mm she’s not the femal of the year im afraid :-P
    tipiadiok: who is?
    GenDivided: Elisha Cuthbert looks better ^.^
    tipiadiok: did you vote for Salma or Elisha?
    GenDivided: noone yet
    tipiadiok: than go for Salma
    tipiadiok: im writhing al over the place
    GenDivided: lol ok.. i voted for salma.. though i like elisha more ^.&
    tipiadiok: you’ll never visit this site again
    tipiadiok: so you did me a favour
    GenDivided: lol prolly
    GenDivided: yea
    tipiadiok: you dont give a shit who wins basicly
    tipiadiok: so, thanks
    GenDivided: np

    Others are mofos:

    MiB sier:
    MiB sier:
    Salma Hayek
    MiB sier:
    stemm på henne
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    går heller for Keira Knightley eller Elisha Cuthbert
    MiB sier:
    nei nei nei
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    Slama eblitt for gammel
    MiB sier:
    Salma må vinne
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    MiB sier:
    er hjemmesia til en kompis av meg
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    Elisha Cuthbert: 35%
    Salma Hayek: 34%
    MiB sier:
    MiB sier:
    og hvem stemte du på?
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    Elisha seff!!!!!
    MiB sier:
    Forbanna hore
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    å ja!!!!
    MiB sier:
    hunter deg ned i GA neste runde og får deg KT’d
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    skifter navn, identitet og e-post adresse
    MiB sier:
    bra for deg
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    Elisha Cuthbert: 36%
    Toltar|SoRe| sier:
    ja, å i tillegg reklamert ofr Elisha på msn kontaktan mine
    MiB sier:

    But, there are many that helps me. But I’m running out on contacts. So GA forum is my only chance.

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