No boiled eggs in 2005?

I most definetely have an eating disorder. I don’t eat eggs anymore.
To my amazement I haven’t touched the pre-boiled eggs of the Fafo Cantina for months! For the first two months I’d always have two slices of bread with eggs and caviar and two with other assorted food-articles. Then, for a long period there was a noticable decline in the egg on bread consumption.

And now, in 2005, I haven’t touched eggs at all!
I had salami with mayonese today. And I enjoyed it. Even though there was plentiful of promising eggs in the counter.. And yesterday I had chicken. And before yesterday I’ve had beef, liver paté, ham etc. etc. But eggs? No..

Of course I haven’t lost my love for English Breakfast: Fried eggs and bacon, Tea from the Royal Court of Britain and a following cigarette (I don’t do the sausages and fried tomatoes, ’cause it takes too long). But these are fried eggs and not boiled!

I continue my self-observation with increasing concern.
On a side-note, my brother-observations are rather interesting.
Here he is wishing you a Happy New Year! (Requires a blind eye)

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