I’m using b2 as my number one blogtool. Why? It’s easy to use, never fails and is very simple to modify. Not that there aren’t other great blogware out there, take for instance WordPress 1.5 and b2evolution that both spawned from the original b2.
Michel V. the founder of the avalanche of b2 on the web has, however, disappeared and gone to the WordPress project. b2 is no longer officially developed, but that doesn’t mean that the blogware is "dead". On the contruary. Alot of hosts are using b2 as their default ware when people want a blog, thus new users rise and shine with each day that passes on this web of ours.
Which is why I eventually decided to host some particularly important modifications and hacks, even mirror the b2 blogtool itself so that people could download it despite the fact that the original servers were down. I called it b2 Cafelog Resource Center.
This year due to the wave of phpbb2 forums being de-faced and hacked, the largest forum online for b2 support (Boardom) got exposed and thrashed, and since no one of the moderators or the administrator itself are around any longer, no backup has been made and no one was there to restore it to its previous glory. The b2 users didn’t have a place to meet and discuss and develope any longer, and the stormy clouds of fairy tales gathered above the b2 horizon. Until a fellow Norwegian finally took the step and created a new and secure forum for the users of Boardom. Thank you, Sh0ck.
Link of the day: The New and Enhanced b2 support forum
I will not remove the files that I host, nor will I stop using b2 in the immediate future. I do, however, recommend WordPress 1.5 which has turned out to be one of the best blogging tools available for free at the moment. But if you feel like I feel, you want something not as big yet secure and user-friendly as b2.
Now, do good to the community and spread the word, folks!