Link of the day: Legionella

As some of you might be aware of there’s a Legionella outbreak here in Norway at the moment. Quite a few people have died, are dying or are really sick. This is in the East, in other words, not too far from the city, but far enough to make me confident in survival. Still, I’ve sketched some rules as to what to do:

1. Don’t hang out with people from the east
2. Don’t go to Sweden
3. Don’t hang out with friends that have been to Sweden/the east since May 1st
4. Close the windows
5. Smoke cigarettes to water out possible infected air
The final rule, in case I’m starting to feel sick or something, is to stop breathing.

Other info: (link o the day)
My sincere apology to those affected; "Life is wasted on the living." – Terry Pratchett

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