Since it is about the time when you realize that summer will be over some day after all, I think we should recommence our interest in the women. The Female of the Year nominees. You can nominate, as always, by dropping me a line and tell me who you think should be Female of the Year 2005.
Previous FOY contests:
Female of the Year 2004: Salma Hayek
Female of the Year 2003: Angelina Jolie
Let me remind you of the rules:
- None of last year’s nominees can be nominated this year. The same applies to
last year’s winnerprevious winners. - There can only be 12 women in the final contest, one for each month.
- All the nominees must be women. If in doubt, I’ll ignore the suggested person.
All suggestions and requests to nominees MUST contain a 50-word explanation of why just this woman should be part of the contest.- The nominee does not have to be a worldstar, but it must be possible to track down at least 1 – one – product the person has produced or participated in producing.
- When the final voting begins it is I who decide when it is finished, but a date (which can be changed!) will be presented in advance.
- The rules may be changed as we go along as a results of any complications that could occour.
- The votes passed using my dedicated poll-system are the only ones that counts. DO NOT E-MAIL ME YOUR VOTE
- Have fun!
Suggest a female through this form:!
You can find a list of last year’s nominees at
Since you are so shy to tell me why you want to nominate your particular one, I removed the rule that required a 50 word explanation. But please state that she’s hot, at least. I have also changed the rule about last year’s winner to concern ALL previous winners. This means that Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek cannot be nominated again. Why make it so? First of all I want a diversity in this, my harem, and second of all there are plenty women out there to choose from!
The honor of winning Sigg3 dot net’s FOY contest is everlasting. Or as long lasting as this site, at least:)
As for the controversy around last year’s election process, I have promised to change my polling system before the voting begins. If I haven’t done this by November/December when the voting usually takes place, we will postpone it until we can be certain cheating is not possible. There was no "hacking" of the poll last year, and that is not possible with the system we have used thus far, but there are other ways around that someone might have stumbled over. After all, nobody is perfect.
Apart from that, let the games begin! I’ll post my January nominate in a few secs.