Female of the day is actress Christina Ricci!!
Why? Her feminine charm, beautiful and innocent emission makes my blood pump faster. No, that’s not it. I just like her in Sleepy Hollow not to mention the gothrole in Adams Family.
More images of today’s chosen one: Polarcap, Dark alley (97) and Wet ‘n’ sexy.
btw, there will be a poll coming up, to vote forward Sigg3 dot net’s official woman of the year. More about it later!
(It has been argued that Sigg3 dot net "exploits exposed, young females of the human species to the page’s own benefit." In addition, feminist movements have sent their complaints to FBI’s websurveillance team in order to legally have the page removed from the face of the internet. Arguments such as "Sigg3 dot net poses a threat to women’s liberation" are often found spraypainted over Sigg3’s house or car, but I (Sigg3) can assure you that you’re totally mistaken. In order to make more machosists to comprehend the feministissues, you must show tits. Yep. In that sense, Sigg3 dot net is making the world a better place!)
All images are stolen and used without permission from the respective (and nameless) owner(s).