Fight AIDS by lending away idle time of your computer!!!

This is a great project using a strategy similar to S.E.T.I‘s program for trying to reach other intelligent beings, only that this one is actually more acute and necessary (in my point of view). We are talking about Entropia dot org‘s researchproject called FIGHT AIDS AT HOME (FAAH).

By downloading and installing (and using:) this screensaver, you’re sharing the RAMs of your computer to help processing research-data about AIDS. Your computer receives a tiny piece of a great task and together, all teammembers are helping The Scripps Research Institute to research and hopefully find a cure to AIDS.

"Over the course of the FAAH project, nearly 60,000 machines in 20 countries have been involved in the project, logging just shy of 1,400 years of continuous computing and performing over nine million tasks. These contributed resources effectively functioned as a computer with 14 terabytes of memory and 1,335 terabytes of disk space. Peak power for this virtual supercomputer was 31 trillion calculations per second)." And all this to help fighting AIDS!!

You can either 1) Download it here and support Secureroot dot com in the process, or 2) use The official FAAH join-page at Entropia. I’d go for alt. 1:)

Thanks alot!

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