mixtapelove6: if a four year old kissed you on the lips twice, what would you do?
Fosforix: hit it with the newspaper and say "no"
italy4me: i hate fucking people.
italy4me: wait.
italy4me: reverse that
italy4me: i fucking hate people.
<CreQ> a lot of millitary interragaters are psychologists
<thecatisold> and a lot of priests are massage therapists
<erl1> my gf is getting 8mbit
<erl1> im glad i didn’t dump her
<erl1> im gonna go over to her place with my box and leech
Lunatic: All those opposed to the patriot act raise your right hand
Lunatic: Raise your hand high
Lunatic: Now raise the other one
Lunatic: Hands behind your back
Lunatic: you’re under arrest for treason
<McMoo> wouldn’t it be great if someone made a program where we could connect to a server and chat with each other in channels we create?
[PhantomDeath(kvirc@vw-25884.iprimus.net.au)] hey tim, im realy good at Windows NT. Do you think I could be apart of the 2600 network?
<var> hrmm
<var> how the fuck did a shortcut to e13ay end up on my desktop
<var> what kinda nefarious shit is windows update pulling
<Guilty> It’s your computers way of saying it wants a new owner
<Guilty> Like a dog scratching on the door to get out
<Prae> omg
<Prae> why the fuck do people put copyright notices ont heir shit
<Prae> it takes me long time to remove it :(
<jstepka> there is nothing about you a complete personality change couldn’t fix.
hahahahhaha omg!! I love the italy4me one… HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That made my day!
bash.org is full of small surprises.
Of course, it takes reading quite a lot of crap before you find the good ones.
Hmm, I was trying to post a comment to the “Monday’s misgivings” and the “first” word thingie won’t let me post. ‘s is messing up the anti-spam defense, methinks.
Anyway, here’s my comment for “Monday’s Misgivings”
You didn’t lose your job, didcha? Hang in there, I’m sure things will turn around.
The upside is that in a few years you’ll get to use all these experiences as fodder for raising your kids. “What?! You want cash to go out? Lemme tell you something – in my day we didn’t have cash…”
At the very least you have to keep going because I like your blog *G*.
Thanks, I did’t loose my job, not yet at least:D
I would’t quit my blog if my life depended on it. Err.. Well, I would, but my life does’t depend on it – especially not loosing my life – so ‘ll keep posting:)
‘m looking into the comment problem.