from Red Dwarf was submitted by Kekepower.
Lister: Do you think Wilma Flintstones sexy? Maybe we’ve been in deep space too long, but every time I see her on that show that body drives me crazy. Is it me?
Cat: I think, in all probability, that Wilma Flintstone is the most desirable woman who ever lived.
Lister: That’s good. I thought I was going strange.
Cat: She’s incredible.
Lister: Whad’ya think of Betty?
Cat: Betty Rubble? Well…I would go with Betty…But I’d be thinking of Wilma.
Lister: This is crazy. Why are we talking about going to bed with Wilma Flintstone?
Cat: You’re right. We’re nuts. This is an insane conversation
Lister: She’d never leave Fred and we know it.