Even though I honestly only mention issues that I’ve participated in, I beg you to stop by and read it nonetheless. The link is mcgtruckin.blogspot.com. This time I’ve sent one of my poems, very Bukowski inspired, called Hangover. It’s actually not the real name of the poem, but I didn’t want to mess it up otherwise. Read it here:
Hangover: a Bukowski poem by SSA
I’m not the only one with a Bukowski related/inspired piece this month. A new Truckin’ writer, dr. Chako, has written a story called Fairbanks. I am no Bukowski fan or in-depth reader, I just listen to his poetry. It’s entertaining and very much to the point. He’s great with images.
You can find a full list of my Truckin’ contributions at the bottom of the Archives page (link on top of this page). Pauly’s Truckin Zine goes well with a Subway sandwich!