It has come to my attention that responsible parents have let their children read this blog. Knowing what it is. What can I say except "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"?
This is a friendly blog. A responsible blog. A heart-warming blog.
Finally something the entire family can do besides incest.
And you can’t accuse me of not raising some interesting topics, that’s for sure.
But giving credit to where it’s due, the quote above is not Michael Jackson introducing the Neverland ranch, but Jesus of Nazareth scorning the spiritual ignorance of his disciples. I have immense respect for some of the thoughts of this guy. It’s his fanclub I can’t stand. And sometimes blasphemy is a little too tempting. Blasphemyyyy blaspheryouuuu… I’m confident he wouldn’t mind.