Link of the day: National Geographic GeoViewerPanel

Do you watch National Geographic Channel? Or read the magazine? Or not?
Then please take their viewer panel survey!

It’s just a few questions about your habits (or lack of habits) with regards to their channel, magazine, documentaries etc. You can win one of three Samsung Digimax i6 digital cameras, which makes you a very likely winner, but more importantly; for every questionnaire answered they donate 1 Euro to UNICEF.
NGC is one of my favourites the few times I do watch television. I mostly watch films, as some of you know. If there is a type of program I would advocate for anyone with a hangover, it must be wildlife documentaries. There’s nothing better than seeing a lion tear up a living impala, when you’re sitting there eating your 250gr cheeseburger and feeling like a beast yourself. It’s got plenty of animal pr0n too, if you’re into that sort of thing. For me it’s a great inspiration to make me want to go places and see stuff for myself. Except for the animal pr0n, of course.

What I don’t like is Seconds from Disaster.
The relevant data and new information regarding disasters in every show would take about 5 minutes to sum up, if it weren’t for the constant back-tracking of events that you’ve been reminded of 20 times already. And they aren’t really good debunkers either, as they’ve proved with the poor Bigfoot, Nessie and Corncircle "investigations". But they have excellent photographers, and over 200 people going out on adventures in any place at any time, often resulting in some breathtaking shots of true wildlife.

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