“My Summer Car” Finnish Game Trailer

I just wanted to share this extremely realistic Finnish driving simulator, My Summer Car, as narrated by its Finnish creator. This really brings me back memories from my youth, even though I never got around to buying my own car, and I wasn’t in that exhaust smelling gangs myself. But driving aimlessly around in the […]

HOWTO: Use polytonic Greek in Slackware

I’ve been using polytonic Greek in a few of my earlier essays at the University, mostly to either correctly determine which term of Aristotle’s I’m hinting at, but also in relation to modern German philosophy (both Hegel and Heidegger refer to Platon and Aristoteles for instance). I set this up on my laptop that’s running […]

Introducing Back in a minute blog!

Last year, having finished my CD-to-FLAC automation script called FLACRIPPER, I jumped head first into my next project: Create a fun game that is completely written in BASH. I started out with these ideas: It must be quick …but also vast, if you want it to be It must be a full world (have a […]

UPGRADE: Reload db table after messin with Permalinks

Note to self: Since you installed WP as a network site (you dolt!) you will have to hack around the WordPress permalink bug that adds a /blog/ to the URL by default. Follow these steps from Lobo as admin: Setup Permalinks in Dashboard->Settings->Permalinks and Save  Now go Network admin->Sites click Edit by Sigg3.net  Scroll down […]