Finally I’ve pulled myself together and completed the FOY 2004: Salma Hayek page that you’ve all been waiting for! This year I’ve also posted the correct ranking by number of posts:) Hope you’ll enjoy it. I know Salma does. I took the liberty of changing the Salma smallpic, since that old one (with the baroque […]
Category: female 2004
Female of the Year 2004: Salma Hayek
I haven’t had the chance nor the energy to really congratulate the Female of the Year 2004, namely Salma Hayek who won with a good 5% lead in front of the America-favoured Elisha Cuthbert who got 34% of the votes. Congratulations, Salma! I was taken aback when Pauly got sick just before New Year’s Eve […]
Final Results, Female of the Year 2004: Salma Hayek
These are the final results in Female of the Year 2004. It’s been fun! Thank you for participating! Elisha Cuthbert: 34% Jessica Alba: 1% Audrey Hepburn: 0% Jolene Blalock: 1% Tara Reid: 0% Salma Hayek: 39% Anna Kournikova: 18% Charlize Theroni: 0% Andrea Diaz: 0% Kristanna Loken: 0% Keira Knightley: 1% Kate Beckinsale: 1% Number […]
FOY 2004: Reaching for 550 votes
The 29th of December, and nearly five houndred and fifty votes have been cast, primarily among three top notch femmes namely: Salma Hayek (35%), Elisha Cuthbert (29%) and Anna Kournikova (26%). I hope we can at least reach 600 votes before january the 1st, but to overthrow the Hayek dominance, runner-ups will need plenty of […]
Last poll count before X-MAS
Yup. I’m going away for x-mas, and my updating capabilities will be strongly reduced. I’ll be like Superman with earrings of Cryptonite. Reduced. Elisha Cuthbert: 27% Jessica Alba: 1% Audrey Hepburn: 0% Jolene Blalock: 3% Tara Reid: 0% Salma Hayek: 29% Anna Kournikova: 30% Charlize Theroni: 0% Andrea Diaz: 1% Kristanna Loken: 1% Keira Knightley: […]
More than 200 votes in twelve days!!
Yup. The figures ain’t lyin’, baby. At the time of writing 218 votes have been cast. It’s outrageous! It’s fantastic! It’s phenomenal! It’s… I think I just wet my pants. Anywho. Here’s the latest: Elisha Cuthbert: 26% Jessica Alba: 0% Audrey Hepburn: 0% Jolene Blalock: 4% Tara Reid: 0% Salma Hayek: 31% Anna Kournikova: 32% […]
Over 100 votes in 6 days!
That’s right, boys and girls! Allthough the delays of this year’s FOY contest have undoubtedly caused some restlessness, people are still eager to vote on their favourite female! Here’s the women who’s gotten any: Elisha Cuthbert: 30% Jessica Alba: 1% Jolene Blalock: 2% Salma Hayek: 29% Anna Kournikova: 27% Andrea Diaz: 2% Kristanna Loken: 2% […]
Female of the Year 2004
It’s that time of year again. What time? The time to let the show begin. We are talking about Female of the Year 2004. Which girl will have the qualities needed to prove worthy of staying on the front page of Sigg3 dot net for an entire year? Last year it was Angelina Jolie (FOY […]
FOY 2004, December girl: Kate Beckinsale
In the row of 12 females to participate in this grande election, our December girl is the only one nominated by a woman (thank you, Amanda)! Apart from being an actress on the rise, this girl who was born in 1973 is/was also an aspiring artist. She won the W. H. Smith Young Writers’ Competiton […]
FOY 2004, November girl: Keira Knightley
November is chilly and the introduction to a cold, dark winter. …which is why it is surprising that our November girl is so hot!! She’s a West Ham United supporter, but more famous for her appearance in SW1: The Phantom Menace as Queen Amidala’s decoy, and her roles in movies like The Hole, Pirates of […]