I went to Sudan last month, and next week I’m off to Estonia for three-four days. And this might not be the end of it, even thouhg I’m out of a contract the 1st of July this year. I have a feeling this institute will miss their beloved consultant. Wouldn’t you? But to the point: […]
Category: weekly poll
Pollresults on: "Do you sing in the shower?"
I guess I shouldn’t be startled by this. Sigg3 dot net readers sing in the shower. I guess we’re all perfectly normal human beings, considering.. Actually, we’re quite cool. We just don’t sing the regular Tom Jones hits, or the na na na that every Idol participant can manage, no. We’re talking quality music, by […]
Poll #17: Do you sing in the shower?
I love bathrooms with tiles. Tiles have a way of making the bass-parts of your singing in the shower sounds really booming, and covers up the cracking hi-pitch noises that only Celine Dion and castrated munks can do. I don’t sing Celine Dion, though. It varies alot, but my favourites thus far: Elvis Presley (As […]
Pollresults on "Would you sleep with Paris Hilton?"
Judging from the progress in my Weekly Poll department, it has been a really long week. But I’m glad to announce one of the best results of any Weekly Poll that I’ve ever had, since over fifty votes were cast on this life-deciding issue: «Would you sleep with Paris Hilton?» I’m a guy, and I […]
Poll #16: Would you sleep with Paris Hilton?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m single again. That forces me to jump back to square one and answer those eternal questions… like would I ever sleep with Paris Hilton? Poll #16: «Would you sleep with Paris Hilton?» The picture is from her hacked cellphone! Take it easy, boys and girls!
Pollresults on "Have you ever sat on a horse?"
I’m pretty disappointed here. I’d guess all my readers are either a) Texans/cowboys or b) Truckdrivers. But according to the poll results on the last weekly poll almost none of you have ever sat on a horse. Of course that includes me.. But I was glad we reached a 20 percent at least, to support […]
Poll #15: Have you ever sat on a horse?
My brother’s sweetheart is a horse personality. In fact, she 0wnz a horse herself, and keeps my brother in the stable on a regular basis. No, my brother is not a horse. Anyway, until today I thought that horses were lame ass animals, used for props in great Western movies. Probably because girls are always […]
Pollresults on NY Resolutions:)
I’ve pulled myself together and decided to end this charade. It’s February, after all.. You have any new year resolutions? Yes and this year I’ll keep em!: 7% Yes, but I’ll probably not keep them: 14% Nope: 77% NA: 0% Number of votes: 27 I read a good deal from these answers, analytically speaking. The […]
Sigg3 dot net Statistical Reader Analysis (S3N SRA)
During this year (2004) I’ve gathered quite some information about you, not only through "invisible" statistical systems and bribes in high places, but also through my Weekly Poll. Since it was closed down November 10th in await for the upcoming Female of the Year election poll, I’ve been waiting for my team of North-Korean analysts5 […]
Pollresults on "How often do you go out to have a drink or ten?"
As we’re closing in on the year, we’re closing down our beloved Weekly Poll as well in order to make way for the upcoming Female of the Year 2004 election. It has been quite fun, and some drag as well, thinking of new polls and how to deal with them. I’m confident, however, that this […]