I will sort out this page whenever I have nothing else to do, promise!
- Blogjam: Great blog by Fraser, not updated for a year
- Carl Sverre: Blog by CB former head of the Daily Bloons
- Cinema Strikes Back: great alternative movie reviews and news
- Cryptomundo: the best of news from the world of cryptozoology
- dooce dot com: A married girl from Utah. Great read!
- Fizzmatix: Twenty year old photographer from Bristol
- Ftrain.com: A great text-log with many interesting stories, poems, etc.
- Hack a Day: a fresh hack each day, every day from around the web
- jim.casablog.com Homepage of Jamie a.k.a El Gringoqueño
- kekePower: My cousin’s weblog. He hosts a couple of sites for me
- Kournikova’s Journal: Femous tennisplayer, a weekly must-read!
- Kristiania: A weblog by me and Kornelius, written in Norwegian of 1907.
- Maddox: The best page in the Universe, apparently
- Mas o Menos: A blog I run for a group of students (no.)
- Metabunker: Photoblog from Oslo
- Michael Park: b2/php hacker who helps the needy (like me)
- Molly.com: Great personal website to a great personality:)
- Nanocrew: Homepage and blog of DVD Jon
- Next Step Productions: Mary’s blog on NGO work and film making
- Pigeon Blog: You guessed it! A blog about pigeons
- PostSecret: A postcard page for anonymous visitors’ secrets
- Salangen Nyheter: News from where I used to live (no.)
- Scaryduck: Not scary. Not a duck. But quite funny.
- Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters. Nuff said!
- Tao of Pauly: blog of my friend Pauly, a.k.a Tao of Poker
- Truckin’ Zine: Pauly and other writers’ stories, including some of mine
- Unhappy Hipsters: Nice and humorous post-modern photolog
- koew’s webpad: My younger brother’s weblog
- ARNI: A young cousin in Sandnes (no.)
- mizzi: A younger cousin in Sandnes (no.)
- Åsmunds hjemmeside: One of my hippie uncles (no.)
- Basic Instructions: your all-inclusive guide to a life well-lived
- Cyanide and Happiness: by the awfully funny guys at Explosm
- Dinosaur Comics: existential lines from the extinct
- Lucid TV: hospital related, recommended by my brother
- Married to the Sea: the champagne of comics
- Perry Bible Fellowship, the: absolutely brilliant one-strips! [semi-retired]
- Red Meat: one of my early favourites, dark and sinister
- Userfriendly the comic strip: IT and RL related humor (continued)
- Wondermark: high-quality strips by David Malki
- WulffMorgenthaler: a commentary on life and weirdo beavers
- xkcd comic: romance, sarcasm, math, and language
Stuff to read
- Also Sprach Zarathustra: by Nietzsche in English (German here)
- Anarchist Theory FAQ: by Bryan Caplan, version 5.2
- Beyond Good and Evil: by Friedrich Nietzsche, the Zimmer translation
- Critique of judgement: The famous work of Kant in .txt format (English)
- How should we study religion: philosopher and theologian debate study
- Liber AL vel Legis: sacred text of Thelema "received" by Crowley in 1904
- Mein Kampf: The historical book by Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler
- On the tragic, Summary: English, by Peter Wessel Zapffe 1983
- Phoenix by Dale Sprague: great dada/subjectivist poetry
- Ruhnama: Written by the president of Turkmenistan
- Socialization in Solitue: kekePower on social impacts of the net
- Society of the Spectacle, The: 2002 translation of the book by Guy Debord
- Turning the pages: leaf through 14 original works online (ex. Da Vinci)
- Writings in philosophy: by Bryan Caplan
- Communist Manifesto, the: Karl Marx wrote this in 1847 for his party
- Dada Manifesto, the: Tzara’s thoughts on DADA the ANTI-ART
- Fascist manifesto, the: by Wikipedia. Also containing the source in Italian
- Hacker’s Manifesto: written by Mentor shortly after his arrest
- NAAP Manifesto: The Pamphlet of the Permanent Penguin Removal
- Negativity, Manifesto of: A good read, if nothing.
- Orgasm Manifesto, the: by Polkinhorn. Exclusively for America
- Receptionists’ Manifesto, the: by Yours Truly
- SCUM Manifesto, the: by Valerie Solanas
- Surrealism, Manifesto of: by André Breton (1924)
- Surrealism 2005, Manifesto of: by yours truly (2005)
- The Internet is Shit: A must-read!
Other Resources
- Anarchist International Information Service: The official homepage
- Archive.org: Thought the net had no history? Think again!
- Archive.org movies: Moving pictures archive. Great!
- Bible, the: Many English versions for download
- Bible, the: the entire 1930 edition (no.)
- Blue Book Archive: post-classified UFO-related documents
- Brick Testament: the Bible in LEGO
- Bureau of Public Secrets: Left-wing resources, pretty interesting
- CleanSoftware.org: find the best free daily-use (WIN) software, free from nasties
- Cryptomundo: the absolutely best cryptozoology site out there
- Darwin Online: the complete works of Charles Darwin
- Deviant’s dictionary: the words you don’t dare looking up
- Document .NO: Political blog (.no)
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy: great resource by Stanford University
- FIX *feelings: For FIX users, a good read
- Google: Best searchengine there is
- How Stuff Works: Tons of articles ranging from sex to the nuclear bomb!
- How to destroy the world: Entertaining tutorial on destroying Tellus
- Klingon Language Institute, the: Learn the Klingon language (from Star Trek)
- Koran, the: Islam’s holy book in Norwegian and Arabic
- Linux Security Documentation: Docs on different issues in internet security
- National Association Against Penguins, the: Sign in to-day!
- Noam Chomsky Archive, the: A collection of Chomsky material
- Notorious murders: Great source of inspiration, eh?
- NY Bohemian index: Overview of the spread of Bohemians in NY
- Online Conversion: Great resource since I’m using the metric system!
- Online Poetry Index: A great source for poetry from the Romans up until now
- Parent Directory Salangen: A site I run for Salangsværinger (no.)
- Parental guide to computer slang: Brought to you by Micro$oft. Good read:)
- Proof that girls are evil: Simple mathematic proof
- Quote database: also known as WikiQuote.org
- Skeptic’s Annotated Bible: A sceptical version of the bible
- Visotsky: Lyrics, info and recordings on this great Russian artist
- Wikipedia: Open-source encyclopedia and community
HTML, script and blog resources
- B2 Boardom: The best support for the b2 cafélog
- b2 Cafelog Resource Center: Mirror of files and fixes to b2
- Blogger.com: Free blog and blog-host service. I even use this sometimes
- CSS Shark: Answers FAQ on CSS. Great introduction to stylesheets
- CSS Zen Garden: Great resource on CSS and its highly developed uses
- PHP Reading list by IBM: recommended online resources
- Pictures: Where to find free-to-use photographs for your articles
- QuirksMode: about 120 pages of free JavaScript and CSS resources
- Twenty one tips: for successfully launching your new blog
- Skinning your site: Want changeable design on your site?
- The World Wide Web Consortium: Setting the web standard on a global scale
- W3 Schools: 3WC’s resource page with tutorials on scripts, languages etc.
- WestCiv’s CSS Tutorial: known as the place to learn CSS
- WordPress: b2 taken further. If I hadn’t been comfortable with b2, I’d use this!
- Open XML Editor: a simple, freely available XML editor for Win XP & Vista
- Alarmclock Connection: Rapcrew from Oslo
- Alice in Chains dot com: Official memorial for Layne Staley
- Bobdylan dot com: Goes without saying
- Chris Cornell: Excellent singer from Soundgarden etc.
- Cloroform: Norwegian Punk-Jazz group (no.)
- Crescent: My dead band #1
- Definite: Norwegian rapper
- DonMartin: Underground hip-hop’er, founder of Alarmclock-Connection
- Gatas Parlament: Great Norwegian hip-hop (feat. DonMartin)
- Grant Lee Buffalo: American alternative singer
- Kaada: Great electronica artist and member of Cloroform
- Kids In the Morgue: My dead band #2, a.k.a KIM
- Lou Reed dot org: Great page about a great artist
- Anti: The official Tom Waits homepage
- Pearl Jam TEN club: Probably the best PJ site out there
- Radiohead dot org: Extremely alternative, yet serious
- Razor Blade Kisses: The first gothic band I ever checked out. Worth a look!
- R.E.M HQ: Goes without saying
- Soundgarden: Unofficial home/fanpage
- SpamRadio.com: Live streaming of incoming spam mails:)
- Tom Waits for No Man: Great news blog about anything Waits related
- Tom Waits MP3’s: Bootlegs and unreleased studio tracks
- Tom Waits Library: One of the better Waits pages I’ve seen
- Bash: Internet Relay Chat (IRC) quotes database
- Cheetah Burner: Free CD Burner for ISO images
- Daniel C. Boyer: An American surrealist
- Fafo.no: the Reasearch Institute I work at
- Fizzmatix.com: Homepage to a friend of mine, does some great photography
- Fluxpod Information eXchange: old Norwegian online community (a.k.a FIX)
- Freelang Dictionary: Free stand-alone dictionary
- Hello World!: One of those semi-funny GNU jokes…!
- Hicks on Marketing: Btw, if anyone here is in marketing… kill yourself
- KekePower.com: Norwegian webhost, and my cousin:)
- Odd Nerdrum: Excellent Norwegian painter
- Nihilist Assault Group: Free-thinking forum for artists and activists
- Ninja, Real Ultimage Power: Great page about being ninja
- Planet Fargo: Entertaining articles by Dave Kosak
- Portal of God: Should be viewed as ironic.. or not..?
- Something Awful: Just a site on everything that’s awful
- Spam Abuse: Sick of SPAM?
- Star Wars Kid: Internet cult phenomena, a must-see!
- StrongBad E-mails: FLASH animations included in homestarruner.com
- SubGenius: Church of SubGenius homepage
- TalkPhilosophy: Great discussion board on philosophers and philosophy
- Towel Day: 25th of May in tribute to Douglas Adams
- Tweaking Firefox #1: One page on tweaking Mozilla Firefox 1.0
- Tweaking Firefox #2: Another and more specified page on tweaking Firefox 1.0
- Urinal.net: Best place to piss away time on the internet!
- X-RATED: Adult movie posters of the 60s and 70s
- Yoism: Opensource religion, interesting project